About Me

I'm Cheyenne. I'm 23 years old with a full set of dentures. This is my journey, these are my experiences. I hope to help those of you struggling with the same situation, and also help myself cope with this whole process. I also make vlogs on my youtube channel about my denture experience. It's not easy to be so young going through such a difficult situation, but it's who I am and I am learning to love and accept myself for who I am now.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Denture Post - 1 week after extractions & immediate lower denture

So I have decided to start posting about my denture journey. I feel like this will help me cope with it and also let me see my progress/journey through it all.

To begin, here's a little of my story. I never had bad teeth growing up, I had beautiful teeth actually. And as I got older into my teens I decided to get braces for an overbite. I didn't have crooked teeth, they were great it was the overbite that I was worried about. So I got braces and after a couple years of wearing them it ruined my teeth. I didn't take care of them like I was supposed to and I basically just ruined them and I regret it so much. I also drank nothing but pop (mountain dew) and the dentist said that is definitely what ruined them. I also had an opiate addiction back then so the pills didn't help either. So they started to decay after getting the braces off. I didn't follow up with dentist appointments and the dentist eventually said I needed them all removed. So I started with the uppers. I got full extractions on all of my upper teeth and an immediate upper denture. I healed great, everything went great with the upper until it quit fitting right andbasically hasn't fit right for 2 years. So coming to present day, it was time to get the lowers out (way overdue) and I finally got them removed about 8 days ago. It wasn't as easy this time. The pain was intense the first few days from the extractions and from the denture not fitting and just rubbing and causing so many sore spots, so I went back got a soft reline and that did help, as the days go on and my gums are healing and shrinking, the denture stops fitting so I have to go back to get relines and adjustments to make it fit. My gums have healed very well though. Today was day 8 after extractions and the dentist did another soft reline and all of the stitches came out when he pulled it out after putting all that liner stuff in there. But I am having alot of issues with the denture. Both dentures really. First of all I hate the way the teeth look, they look nothing like my old teeth. The top ones are way too short, and the bottom teeth are extremely long. I don't feel like they look right in my mouth either. When I rest my mouth, you see nothing but bottom teeth. That's not right. Now I know that my gums are still healing and there's still swelling, but I'm still worried that even after all the swelling goes down that I'm going to keep having problems with this denture. The dentist said that after about a year I will have to get a hard reline/a new lower denture completely (which costs more money which I am worried about because I am broke from paying for this immediate) I also need a hard reline/new top denture SOON. And he said the hard reline is about $200, and he said it's "not much more" for a full upper denture. He wouldn't specify on the price for the permanent new denture but I'm assuming it is significantly more than 200. I'm nervous because I truly need a new top denture completely. I want to change the whole look of the teeth (I want them to be whiter, and longer in the 2 front teeth, and I basically just want them to look right for me like how my old teeth were) But this lower denture is causing me trouble and it is SO hard to get used to. I'm nervous to see how the next couple weeks to a month turns out with this denture. I am trying to stay positive about it and just hope for the best though. But basically that is whats going on at this time and I just really wanted to start a blog and start making videos to kind of tell my story and see if anyone could relate to me and get some tips or advice or really just have other people in my shoes to help me feel better about all this. I am 23 years old, I just turned 23 a few days ago and I am so self conscious of my teeth now. I was REAL self conscious before with bad teeth but now when I smile it is a pretty nice smile BUT, it's basically all lower teeth and you can see gums on the lowers when I smile. and I don't like that I don't think it's normal. I have paid $900 for these lower dentures and I want them to fit and I don't want to keep having trouble. Today when I told my dentist the denture was loose, he said and I quote "that's just the way it is with dentures they're never going to fit and they will always be loose unless you get implants" and that just pissed me off. I know alot of people who have dentures and they fit perfect, they don't have any trouble out of them and they don't even need soft liners because the normal ones fit so good. So for him to say that just really rubbed me the wrong way. He's an asshole honestly and I feel like if I'm paying this much for a good quality denture I want to be treated good, I want good quality work done, and I want a fucking perfect denture, PERIOD. I have been thinking about going somewhere else for my permanent set just because of the whole experience with this dentist has been bad I don't want to pay more and trust that the new set or the hard reline is going to be good because everything else has been bad so far. I guess we will just have to see how things progress over the next few weeks/months. I am uploading my first video and will post it on my blog when it gets uploaded, and will be making videos at least once a week just explaining my experiences, etc...

First week = over (THANK GOD) Now time for healing and gum shrinkage! Yay!
Positive vibes, yall...I'm trying... :)


  1. Hahaha when I asked my local dentist “how much do dental implants cost” I laughed really hard because I thought she was telling me a great joke. My face turned red when she told me, no, that’s the real cost. Well… I was looking for options and found out these guys offer dental implants for $1,200 USD with all abutment and crown included. I really can’t pass this opportunity. This is the only chance I have to smile again and eat like a normal person, (god I never thought I would miss a salad…) so I’m going to take some nice vacations in Cancun, relax in the beach and ask for a margarita as soon as I get my dental implants!! Atte: dental implant vacations

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