About Me

I'm Cheyenne. I'm 23 years old with a full set of dentures. This is my journey, these are my experiences. I hope to help those of you struggling with the same situation, and also help myself cope with this whole process. I also make vlogs on my youtube channel about my denture experience. It's not easy to be so young going through such a difficult situation, but it's who I am and I am learning to love and accept myself for who I am now.

Subscribe to my youtube channel for video updates:

Saturday, February 28, 2015

1 month & 2 weeks after extractions & lower denture ~ UPDATE!

To all of my followers and subscribers I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. There has been alot going on in my life, one of my friends passed away and my grandmother has been to the hospital and I've been busy, lots of things have happened that don't usually. But I figured it was time to update since I've got so many messages on my facebook and comments asking about how I was doing. I can't thank you all enough for being so supportive and asking about me. I am so thankful.

So its been about a month and two weeks since I got my lower denture. As you all know, it is lopsided and the dentist took off half of one side of it and sawed off part of the tooth as well. (I posted pictures in my last blog post) and it most definitely doesn't fit. I got another soft reline two or three weeks ago and it is completely loose now and does not fit. I have to go back Monday for another adjustment. But my gums feel really bony. There's 3 or 4 spots that just stick out like there's a bone fragment underneath and one of those lumpy spots just started showing a bone fragment which hurts like hell. It's extremely painful to chew. I've been keeping my dentures out as much as I can because it doesn't hurt as bad when they're out. But the bone fragment working out feels really big, not sure if it actually is cause the whole thing hasn't come out yet but it's working it's way out slowly. It just takes sooo long for them to work out and it's really hard to deal with because it's so painful. But the denture is an absolute mess. I've seen other people's dentures and they look normal, same size on both sides. They haven't cut some of their teeth off, the dentures fit the person. And I just don't understand why I'm having so much trouble. I have tried telling the dentist about this and telling him and it doesn't look right or feel right in my mouth and he always come up with some excuse for why it's like that. Oh well the shape of your gums made it have to be that way.... NO. My gums are the same size on both sides they are not misshapen to the point that half the denture should be sawed off. It's just ridiculous. I'm so sick of dealing with this crap. I am holding back my payments until he makes it right or if he chooses not to then I may have to get a lawyer involved. Which I really don't want to do. But this isn't right and everyone knows it. The dentist made a mistake and he should fix it without charging me. Bottom line.

So basically that's the update as of lately. I planned on making a video but I haven't had the time with everything going on. But within this week I will make a video. After I go back to the dentist and get my reline and have a few more things to talk about. For now, things are not so great. I literally have to put fixodent in 2-3 times a day. Normally you use it once a day, right? It can't be good to be using that much zinc in your mouth daily. So I need to get this fixed so it fits and doesn't cause so many problems. Not to mention the denture is actually shaped messed up as well. It is not the shape of my gums. The back of the denture comes upward, my gums aren't in line with it. The size of the denture makes my bottom lip jut out and it gets in the way of everything, the way I talk, kissing, everything. It's not okay. So I'm hoping me and the dentist can come to some aggreement and he will fix it/make me a new one. I will not keep this crappy denture for a year I just can't. It's too uncomfortable.

But anyways, that's my update. I don't want to make this too long. But I wanted to give you guys an idea of how I was doing and how I'm feeling about everything as of late. Again, I can't thank you all enough for supporting me and following my blog and youtube and facebook. It really makes me happy to know I have people supporting me who know what I'm going through or are just there for me even if they aren't. It helps alot. So thank you all so much.

Much Love. <3

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

This is not what a denture is supposed to look like...

I am VERY upset at this point. It has been 3 weeks since my extractions and getting my immediate lower denture. And since getting the adjustment, my dentist has basically fucked up my denture. From the time I got it it was already not right, it didn't fit on my gums right, it raised up in the back where it was lifted up not sitting on my gums, so I've tried to just deal and let everything heal and see how it goes. Well I told the dentist last week that it was uneven and he was extremely rude to me about it. Its almost like he doesn't want to answer for the mistakes he has made with this denture. I paid $900 for this lower denture. And look at it... They did a soft reline yesterday and it was popping out of my mouth immediately after the reline. It does not fit. Not to mention look at the way the left side of it is completely dropped off. They cut off some of the back tooth! Its completely uneven! I am so upset. I try to put fixodent in and it hurts its very uncomfortable. The soft reline helped make the bony sore spots go away but it still just won't fit at all. Even when they adjust it, it doesn't fit. I'm getting to the point that I'm either going to report them or go get a second opinion from another dentist. As I said before dentures are not this dentists speciality. I feel like I've not got good treatment and this denture looks like shit and feels like shit. This is just a small update, I'm going to make a video about it later when I get time but I'm very upset about this and I had to get it out there. I will make a video explaining things in more detail and insert the pictures in the video. I WILL NOT take my teeth out in any video so please do not ask me to do that. I will show my dentures to get advice on what I should do. So all the pervs, go on somewhere this is serious business. Okay I'm done with my rant. But seriously, what do you think? Am I getting the right treatment? Does that look like what a lower denture should look like? I honestly want my money back so I can go get a set from somewhere else that will actually take care of me and CARE ABOUT ME. I'm done with this dentist. Ughhhhh.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Like my facebook page

I made a facebook page so I can post my updates, videos, blogs on there.

Go like my facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/cheychalaidentures

Denture Adhesives & Secure GMO free adhesive

For denture wearers, even if your dentures fit properly, it is still necessary to use the adhesives to keep everything in place all day while you eat and keep everything sealed. My dentures do not fit properly, they are immediate dentures and everytime I get a soft reline, yes it helps but it doesn't suction or stay put like I want it to. So I use adhesive. I have always used the pink fixodent that has zinc in it. I've tried the fixodent that is zinc free and it doesn't hold as well for me. So I've been looking into other types of adhesives.

As a person, I am very health conscious. I have learned things about GMOs and chemicals and all that and how it effects your body and health. So it only makes sense that I would find an adhesive that is GMO free, zinc free, and just all around healthier for my mouth. So I looked up organic denture adhesive, and the brand Secure popped up. So I watched a few of the Secure denture adhesive reviews and it seems to be some of the best adhesive out there. I found a link for it here: http://www.shoporganic.com/product/secure-dental-adhesive/personal_oral_care and it is $8.99 for a tube of it. It's not as big as the fixodent tubes but I have done a little research on it and everyone says a little goes a long way. This adhesive expands unlike other adhesives so you only have to use a very small amount. For a small tube, that is great news because to have to order it online, and pay almost $10 for it, I want it to last a while. So I'm going to get some and try it out and see how that works. This fixodent I use has started to not work so well for me, so I wanted to try to find something else that will hold my dentures into place all day long and not come loose whenever I'm chewing or anything. Until I am able to get my permanent set of dentures, I am going to keep having loose fitting dentures. So I want to get a product that works and does the job until I get my permanent set.

I just wanted to share a quick little blog about this and share the info in case anyone else is having trouble with their adhesives and looking for something a little better! So grateful to find something like this that is zinc and GMO free. It's an organic denture adhesive, and if you're like me and are health conscious and want to avoid chemicals, that is something you think about and take into consideration. I have been trying to switch to an all vegan/organic diet which is hard because I can't chew different kinds of foods right now because I'm still getting used to the dentures. So I've not made the transition yet, but I am definitely going to. So I just wanted to share that little tidbit of info with you guys and possibly help you all find a chemical free adhesive that works!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dental Implants Research & Update

So I know it's very early to be thinking about dental implants (for my lowers, my uppers are totally ready for it) but it's also VERY expensive and TOTALLY out of my price range. I am a 23 year old with no job at the time (because of how bad my teeth were before getting dentures I was not presentable enough to get a job in the public) no car, and basically am broke due to paying for these lower dentures ($900 which is alot to me) but I am just curious about the price and how dental implants work and all the like. So I did some research. A girl I have been watching on youtube, her youtube channel name is kalinjax and she had a great following on youtube, she entered a contest for Dr. Golpa in Las Vegas to win $20,000 worth of work for the All On 4 dental implant procedure...and she won. How lucky can you get... Oh man what I would give to win something like that. I can't imagine how happy she was. Basically the All On 4 procedure is a surgery where they make you a whole new set of dentures but instead of them being like normal dentures, they put 4 metal things into your bone top and bottom and the denture is a bridge that sits right on the top/bottom of your gums & just snaps into those metal rod things. It looks amazing. All of the work that Dr. Golpa has done looks absolutely stunning.

So I've been weighing out my options. I know that in about a year I'm going to need a permanent lower denture. I need the permanent upper denture now so I'm going to work on getting the money up for that and for the lower so I will have it when I'm ready to get it. I am not sure if I'm going to have this same dentist that did my immediate dentures do it or go to a new dentist. But the dentist I go to now did not make the immediates right to look like my old teeth. They are way too short and the lowers are way too long. I don't like the dentists attitude, the way he acts. It seems he's not sympathetic to my situation, seems like he doesn't really care and it is what it is and I gotta deal with it. NO. If I'm paying this massive amount of money for dentures - I want a perfect pair, period. So I'm debating on going somewhere else for my "permanent" set.

But eventually, years down the road when I've saved up $20,000... I am going to go to Las Vegas, to Dr. Golpa and have him give me a beautiful smile. Implants which is the ultimate goal for anyone who wears dentures. I will probably start playing the lottery just because I want this SO badly and if I believe it enough that I will win some money and get these dental implants, I believe it could happen. Also having a good following I think is important as well because if another contest rolls around, you better believe I am entering.

I just made a video yesterday and uploaded it and I have over 300 views on the video which blows me away. I wouldn't have even thought that many people would watch it. I basically just made it for myself to track the experiences and the whole journey. I would've never expected to have such a good response to it. Which I am very thankful for.

So I go back on Monday for an appointment. Since my gums are shrinking everyday, I've been going back every Mon and Thurs for adjustments to the denture so that it fits and is comfortable. I got a soft reline done yesterday and today I've noticed it is squeezing my gums on one side and feels kind of lopsided. I also have some bone spurs/fragments coming through in 2 maybe 3 different places and it is so painful where the denture is rubbing on those spots. So hopefully Monday I can get this thing fitting a little better and be more comfortable. I am trying to be more positive now because since I got the denture I have noticed that as the swelling goes down, the denture doesn't look as bad. So I do think it will get better. But it's just been difficult accepting it and trying to relearn talking and eating and just getting used to it.

So that is my update for today. I didn't feel like making a video, I might make one tomorrow or I might wait until Monday after my next adjustment. We shall see. Thanks to everyone who has viewed my blog and my videos, I truly am thankful to have your support. And hopefully my experience will help people. Eventually I want to make a video explaining things in more detail, and what my teeth were like before and all that so I will get into more of it in due time.
But for now, thank you for your support!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Denture Post - 1 week after extractions & immediate lower denture

So I have decided to start posting about my denture journey. I feel like this will help me cope with it and also let me see my progress/journey through it all.

To begin, here's a little of my story. I never had bad teeth growing up, I had beautiful teeth actually. And as I got older into my teens I decided to get braces for an overbite. I didn't have crooked teeth, they were great it was the overbite that I was worried about. So I got braces and after a couple years of wearing them it ruined my teeth. I didn't take care of them like I was supposed to and I basically just ruined them and I regret it so much. I also drank nothing but pop (mountain dew) and the dentist said that is definitely what ruined them. I also had an opiate addiction back then so the pills didn't help either. So they started to decay after getting the braces off. I didn't follow up with dentist appointments and the dentist eventually said I needed them all removed. So I started with the uppers. I got full extractions on all of my upper teeth and an immediate upper denture. I healed great, everything went great with the upper until it quit fitting right andbasically hasn't fit right for 2 years. So coming to present day, it was time to get the lowers out (way overdue) and I finally got them removed about 8 days ago. It wasn't as easy this time. The pain was intense the first few days from the extractions and from the denture not fitting and just rubbing and causing so many sore spots, so I went back got a soft reline and that did help, as the days go on and my gums are healing and shrinking, the denture stops fitting so I have to go back to get relines and adjustments to make it fit. My gums have healed very well though. Today was day 8 after extractions and the dentist did another soft reline and all of the stitches came out when he pulled it out after putting all that liner stuff in there. But I am having alot of issues with the denture. Both dentures really. First of all I hate the way the teeth look, they look nothing like my old teeth. The top ones are way too short, and the bottom teeth are extremely long. I don't feel like they look right in my mouth either. When I rest my mouth, you see nothing but bottom teeth. That's not right. Now I know that my gums are still healing and there's still swelling, but I'm still worried that even after all the swelling goes down that I'm going to keep having problems with this denture. The dentist said that after about a year I will have to get a hard reline/a new lower denture completely (which costs more money which I am worried about because I am broke from paying for this immediate) I also need a hard reline/new top denture SOON. And he said the hard reline is about $200, and he said it's "not much more" for a full upper denture. He wouldn't specify on the price for the permanent new denture but I'm assuming it is significantly more than 200. I'm nervous because I truly need a new top denture completely. I want to change the whole look of the teeth (I want them to be whiter, and longer in the 2 front teeth, and I basically just want them to look right for me like how my old teeth were) But this lower denture is causing me trouble and it is SO hard to get used to. I'm nervous to see how the next couple weeks to a month turns out with this denture. I am trying to stay positive about it and just hope for the best though. But basically that is whats going on at this time and I just really wanted to start a blog and start making videos to kind of tell my story and see if anyone could relate to me and get some tips or advice or really just have other people in my shoes to help me feel better about all this. I am 23 years old, I just turned 23 a few days ago and I am so self conscious of my teeth now. I was REAL self conscious before with bad teeth but now when I smile it is a pretty nice smile BUT, it's basically all lower teeth and you can see gums on the lowers when I smile. and I don't like that I don't think it's normal. I have paid $900 for these lower dentures and I want them to fit and I don't want to keep having trouble. Today when I told my dentist the denture was loose, he said and I quote "that's just the way it is with dentures they're never going to fit and they will always be loose unless you get implants" and that just pissed me off. I know alot of people who have dentures and they fit perfect, they don't have any trouble out of them and they don't even need soft liners because the normal ones fit so good. So for him to say that just really rubbed me the wrong way. He's an asshole honestly and I feel like if I'm paying this much for a good quality denture I want to be treated good, I want good quality work done, and I want a fucking perfect denture, PERIOD. I have been thinking about going somewhere else for my permanent set just because of the whole experience with this dentist has been bad I don't want to pay more and trust that the new set or the hard reline is going to be good because everything else has been bad so far. I guess we will just have to see how things progress over the next few weeks/months. I am uploading my first video and will post it on my blog when it gets uploaded, and will be making videos at least once a week just explaining my experiences, etc...

First week = over (THANK GOD) Now time for healing and gum shrinkage! Yay!
Positive vibes, yall...I'm trying... :)